【EMI E-News】Asia University's EMI office organized a "ChatGPT Love Letter Transmission" event.

  • 2023-07-31
  • 管理學院雙語教學辦公室

Local and international students actively participated, using ChatGPT to generate heartfelt and touching love letters, confessing their feelings on the spot, and their fellow students cheered with excitement.

What other applications can ChatGPT, the chatbot, be used for? To allow students to gain a deeper understanding of ChatGPT, the Office of English-Medium Instruction (EMI) at Asia University's College of management creatively designed the "Bringing Happiness to the College of management" event. They assisted students in using ChatGPT to write love letters, which were then turned into cards and displayed on a love wall, attracting hundreds of participants. The students were pleasantly surprised by ChatGPT's ability to generate heartfelt love letters.
The picture shows the participating students forming a long queue, all eager to try using ChatGPT to write love letters.

Recently, Asia University held the "2023 ChatGPT Forum on Adaptation and Innovation in Higher Education and Industry Development," the first large-scale ChatGPT international forum in Taiwan, attracting over a thousand physical and online participants. To help students better understand the trends and applications of ChatGPT in their studies, including its ability to interact in multiple languages and in a human-like manner, the EMI office organized the ChatGPT Love Letter Writing event, focusing on topics close to daily life.
The picture shows the participating students using ChatGPT to write love letters.

EMI Executive Director, Ms. Hui-Jun Zhang, stated that the event was novel and creative, attracting hundreds of local and international students who eagerly lined up to see how ChatGPT's assistance could help them create compelling and successful love letters. During the process of giving instructions, the students discovered that providing ChatGPT with clearer and more specific questions resulted in more personalized and unique love letters. Through this activity, students gained a better understanding of ChatGPT and its potential applications in their academic learning.
The picture shows the activity's love wall covered with love letters written by students using ChatGPT.

The highlight of the event was turning the ChatGPT-generated love letters into cards and posting them on a love wall, while also distributing roses and chocolates. Many students bravely read out the love letters, which were assisted by ChatGPT, in front of their crushes, creating an atmosphere filled with excitement, cheering, and applause. Faculty and students enjoyed a unique "AI Valentine's Day" together.