
  • 2024-09-11
  • 管理學院雙語教學辦公室


  • 講座名稱:「培力英檢」能力指標融入學術英語課程:口說與寫作教學策略分享
    Title: Integrating BESTEP Descriptors in EAP: Practical Approaches to Speaking and Writing
  • 講座時間:2024年9月25日(三)13:30~16:00
    Time: 13:30-16:00, 9/25 (Wed), 2024
  • 講座形式:線上講座(全英授課)
    Format: Online (presentations will be delivered in English)
  • 講座內容摘要:
    • LTTC講師將介紹【培力英檢】說寫能力指標,並分享依據指標所研發設計的口說、寫作教案,包含執行流程及背後教學理念,可作為EAP教師自行調整或研發教案之參考
    • 特邀來自臺大與臺科大之EAP課程研發、教師團隊分享口說、寫作教案與實務教學經驗透過提供豐富且實用的EAP教學資源,此講座期協助EAP教師提升學生的學習成效,促進英語學習、教學與評量的良性互動。

    These online sessions focus on EAP, using speaking and writing lesson plans as examples to demonstrate how to integrate the BESTEP descriptors into the learning objectives of EAP courses. The sessions also share insights on EAP lesson plan design and teaching strategies.
    In these sessions:

    • Instructors from the LTTC will introduce the speaking and writing descriptors of the BESTEP, and share lesson plans designed according to these descriptors. They will also explain the implementation process and the pedagogical concepts behind each step, providing a valuable reference for EAP teachers to adjust or develop their own lesson plans.
    • Teams from both National Taiwan University (NTU) and National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) will share speaking and writing lesson plans and their experiences in practical teaching.

    This collection of presentations aims to provide abundant and practical EAP teaching resources to help EAP teachers improve student learning outcomes and foster positive interaction among English learning, teaching, and assessment.

  • 報名資訊:免費報名,9/5(四)~9/16(一) 請點選報名網址。名額有限,歡迎踴躍報名!
    Registration: Free of charge. Spots are limited. The registration period will last from 9/5 (Thu) to 9/16 (Mon). Please click here.
  • 研習證明:本講座提供研習證明,有需要的教師煩請於課後問卷中填寫基本資料。
    Certificate of Participation: For teachers who require a certificate of participation, please fill in your basic information in the post-session questionnaire.