【轉知】國立台灣科技大學EMI教學資源中心 113-1 EMI教學助理培訓 開放申請,歡迎各位同學踴躍報名參加。

  • 2024-07-26
  • 管理學院雙語教學辦公室


國立臺灣科技大學EMI教學資源中心設計三大領域課程: 溝通技巧、教學設計與經驗分享,將有趣的構想導入課堂活動,讓你的教學及學習資源更加豐富,完成培訓後,帶著堅實的自信成為EMI教學助理!

  • 活動時間:2024/08/28-08/29
  • 參與對象:各大專院校學生,有志成為或即將成為新學期的EMI課程教學助理
  • 活動地點:線上, Microsoft Teams
  • 報名連結:請點選連結報名
  • 報名時間:即日起開放,額滿為止
  • 課程說明:
  1. 自選6小時,完成課程可獲得臺科大教學資源中心頒發初階EMI教學助理完訓證書
  2. 煩請使用備有視訊鏡頭與麥克風裝置的電腦/平板電腦以便參與課程
  3. 報名成功者將於活動前以e-mail提供課程連結與活動提醒
  • 課程資訊:
  1. 8/28 (中文場/ Courses conducted in Mandarin)
    1. 10:00-12:00
    2. 13:00-15:00
    3. 15:00-17:00
  2. 8/29 (英文場/ Courses conducted in English)
    1. 10:00-12:00
      Bridging the Gap: Effective Communication with Instructors and Students in EMI Classrooms
      Lecturer: Dr. Johnny King from National Taiwan Normal University
    2. 13:00-15:00
      Using a Puzzle-solving Approach and Creating a Supportive Environment
      Lecturer: Antony Parnigoni from Uni-edit
    3. 15:00-17:00
      Outstanding EMI TA Experience Sharing
      Five outstanding EMI Teaching Assistants from Taiwan TECH

NTUST EMI Teaching and Learning Center hosts an EMI Teaching Assistant Training event. The training introduces Communication SkillsClassroom Activity Design, and Experience Sharing. Prepare to use these exciting concepts in classroom activities, enriching your teaching and learning resources. After completing the training, you will confidently step into the role of an EMI Teaching Assistant!

  • Date:2024/08/28-08/29
  • Participants: Teaching Assistants from various universities are welcome.
  • Venue: Online, Microsoft Teams
  • Link: kindly use the link to register
  • Registration Period: From now until full registration is reached.
  • Information:
  1. Once finishing the 6-hour training of your selection, you will receive an EMI TA Training Certificate of Completion.
  2. Upon successful registration, participants will be notified through an email with a course link.
  3. This Training will be conducted online through Microsoft Teams. Please use a computer/tablet with a webcam and microphone to participate in the course.
  • Topics
  1. 8/28 (Today's courses will be conducted in Mandarin)
    1. 10:00-12:00
    2. 13:00-15:00
    3. 15:00-17:00
  2. 8/29 (Today's courses will be conducted in English)
    1. 10:00-12:00
      Bridging the Gap: Effective Communication with Instructors and Students in EMI Classrooms
      Lecturer: Dr. Johnny King from National Taiwan Normal University
    2. 13:00-15:00
      Using a Puzzle-solving Approach and Creating a Supportive Environment
      Lecturer: Antony Parnigoni from Uni-edit
    3. 15:00-17:00
      Outstanding EMI TA Experience Sharing
      Five outstanding EMI Teaching Assistants from Taiwan TECH


課程管理師 陳小姐 chiehanchen@mail.ntust.edu.tw

課程管理師 謝小姐 pilun88@mail.ntust.edu.tw

課程管理師 黃小姐 tyhuang1026@mail.ntust.edu.tw