2022 EMI Course Outcome Exhibition Contest
110學年度第2學期 EMI教學成果展競賽
主題: EMI課堂成果或學習經驗分享、課堂報告、角色扮演或話劇。
English as Medium for Instruction (EMI) refers to the use of the English language to teach academic subjects (other than English itself) in countries where the first language of most of the population is not English. Talk about any Experiences related to EMI courses. Any presentation in EMI courses is also acceptable. You may also share some interesting story that occur in your EMI Courses by cosplay or drama.
Your presentation or video clip could be organized from several perspectives, for example,
- Any class presentation in EMI courses.
- What are your experiences in EMI classes?
- What are your reflections after taking the EMI courses?
- How can EMI courses benefit your English learning or enhance global perspective?
- Does some interesting story or situation occur in your EMI courses?
- Which lessons impressed you most deeply?
- What’s your strategies to improve participation in EMI courses?
- Express some opinions and share your positive experiences in EMI courses.
- How can we design plentiful and useful EMI courses?
- Any topics related to teaching and learning in EMI courses.
- 獎勵辦法/Prizes:
Each group will have 3 merit award and 3 outstanding award.
2. 個人組將選出三組優勝者,每位優勝者可獲得1500元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。
Individual Merit Award: NT$ 1,500& certificate
3. 團體組將選出三組優勝者,每組優勝者可獲得3000元獎金,各參賽者獎狀乙只。
Group Merit Award: NT$ 3,000& certificate
4. 另外將分別選出三組佳作,個人組可獲得獎金800元,團體組可獲得獎金1500元, 各參賽者獎狀乙只。
Individual Outstanding Award: NT$ 800 & certificate;
Group Outstanding Award: NT$ 1,500 & certificate.
- 報名辦法/Registrations:
Please sign up and upload the video link by June 7th (Please make sure the link is available)
報名網址/Sign-up Link: https://forms.gle/MnqeS1ei9Gi6f81G7
- 比賽方式/ Scope:
- 本競賽為個人組和團體競賽,團體組每隊限2-4人參加。
- 製作至少3分鐘的英文影片,可以以PowerPoint投影片、角色扮演、短劇或實境錄製(類似現場導覽解說)、或電腦畫面切換各種說明參考資訊 (留意提供參考資料來源)、或參考Youtuber的錄製所需各種道具(例如最近火紅「九天玄女之天女散花」)。
- 參考資料不限語言 (記得提供參考資料來源)、不限靜態或動態(記得提供參考資料來源),但口說旁白必須是英文。
- 是否提供英文字幕,由參賽者自行決定,這部分沒有要求,咬字清楚,聲音清楚明瞭為基本要求。
- 可完全參照英文簡報。
- 評分方式/Scoring Criteria:
內容原創性 Content originality | 10% |
英文使用正確度 Language Accuracy | 30% |
設計與排版 Design | 10% |
內容趣味性 Interest | 10% |
內容學習性 Learnability | 10% |
內容豐富性 Richness | 10% |
內容和EMI課程教學與學習相關性 Correlation with EMI courses |
10% |
推廣性 (推廣亞大管院EMI、亞大管院、亞大) Promotional (AMC EMI, AMC, AU) |
5% |
內容嚴謹性 Conscientiouness | 5% |
- 作品授權/:
Participating and winning video clips will be posted on AMC websites as promotional materials for EMI courses.
Organizer: AMC Bilingual Education Promotion Office
Co-organizer: Department of Leisure and Recreation Management, Department of Accounting and Information System, Department of Business Administration, Department of Finance, Department of Financial and Economic Law