亞洲大學管理學院雙語教學推動辦公室於2024年11月25日中午12點至下午1點,在M405舉辦了一場名為「Principles in Practice: Optimising Teacher Observations in Higher Education」的專業培訓講座。本次活動特別邀請昆士蘭教育學院(The Queensland Institute)共同創辦人兼教師發展總監Fiona Wiebusch擔任講師,旨在為教師及教學領導團隊提供專業觀課技巧,提升雙語教學環境下的教學觀察效能。
Fiona Wiebusch講師以其豐富的教學與觀課經驗,帶領參加者從反思自身觀課經驗開始,逐步介紹觀課的核心原則,並分享實用的技巧與方法,包括如何設立清晰的觀課目標以及提供建設性回饋。她同時以越南與澳洲的兩個成功案例為例,展現觀課計畫如何提升教師教學效能及學生學習成果,現場氣氛熱烈且互動頻繁。
活動最後,由講師Fiona Wiebusch致贈紀念品,感謝亞洲大學提供此次分享交流的機會,並祝福在場所有參加者在雙語教學推動上取得更多成果。本次活動圓滿成功,參與者收穫滿滿,為未來雙語教學的發展注入了新能量與啟發。
Enhancing Teacher Observation in Bilingual Higher Education
On November 25, 2024, the EMI Teaching Promotion Office of Asia University’s College of Management hosted a professional workshop titled “Principles in Practice: Optimising Teacher Observations in Higher Education” in M405. The session was led by Fiona Wiebusch, Co-Founder and Director of Teacher Development at The Queensland Institute, who shared her expertise on effective teacher observation techniques in bilingual education settings.
Drawing on her extensive experience, Fiona guided participants through key principles of observation, offering practical strategies such as setting clear goals and providing constructive feedback. Using case studies from Vietnam and Australia, she demonstrated how observation programs can enhance teaching practices and student outcomes, fostering lively discussion and interaction throughout the session.
The workshop concluded with Fiona presenting a commemorative gift to thank Asia University for the opportunity to share her insights, while wishing participants continued success in advancing bilingual education. The event was a resounding success, leaving attendees inspired and equipped with valuable tools for future practice.
與會教師與管理學院陳明惠院長(前排左二)及講師Fiona Wiebusch(前排左三)合照